Friday, July 16, 2010

News Babes, Oil Caps, and Crazy Mel Gibson

Maybe we rushed to judgement on Mel Gibson, America. Turns out there is a "long trail of evidence" that suggests his former best girl Oksana Grigorieva demanded more than $10 million for the safe return of the recent tapes we've all been addicted to lately. According to TMZ Mel's lawyers will be meeting with LA county officials to present physical evidence such as emails from Oksana to Mel demanding cold hard cash for the taped rants. There is also evidence to suggest that Oksana damaged her own teeth before claiming Gibson punched her in the face. Hmmmm. I smell alot of fish, here. It's all a twisted mess and nobody will ever know the REAL story. That said, as sad as it is we all have enjoyed laughing hysterically as we drive down the road listening to almost every radio station play clips of his recent breakdown. I guess you could say Mel Gibson is a true entertainer both on and off screen.

Speaking of the screen....I'm watching CNN and they are covering the story about BP FINALLY getting the oil capped in the gulf. Well, thanks BP. It only took ya 3 months. Oh well, nothing we can do to change history so there's no point in pissing and moaning over what's done. We should all just be thankful this spill has been capped while we wait for the REAL solution. The relief well is being drilled as we speak and it stands as the final step in this ungodly cluster-F. Now, it's time to move forward and begin the cleanup. It will take 50 years (as some experts report) to completely recover in terms of physical clean up. Economical clean up? Who knows. I say we all take a vacation to the Gulf this summer to help stimulate things. Just don't order any shrimp for now.

I have also just noticed that everyone delivering my news today is insanely HOT. When did this happen? When did the prerequisite to become a journalist become "playboy bunny hot"? Did I miss this somehow? Maybe I'm used to hearing my news from men. When I grew up it was Peter Jennings, Dan Rather, and Ted Koppel. Now I see names like Candy, Erin, Brooke....
I feel like I'm getting my information from the retired girlfriends of Hugh Hefner. I should have been more beautiful. Damn.

Speaking of Hugh Hefner......

Listen the the latest LSS and BUY THE BOOK. That is all. Have a good weekend, friends. :)

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