Thursday, July 8, 2010

Big Bad Crocodile Tears

If you've been hiding under a rock you need to come out. Life is passing you by. For instance, Lindsey Lohan received her sentence yesterday in a California courtroom. Miss Lohan cried big bad crocodile tears and leaned on her counsel's shoulder as Judge Revel read aloud her least for the next 6 months.

Lindsey is to report to jail for 90 days beginning on July 20th. After the initial 90 day stint she will be headed to a 90 day inpatient recovery center for alcohol and drug abuse. If you ask me this NEEDED to happen. She has been given every opportunity in the WORLD and has chosen the wrong path again and again. She is a girl in trouble. She is a girl lost. She is a girl in need of direction. I applaud our justice system for giving her direction and a chance to clean up her life. It may not be the most comfortable way to turn things around but the alternatives sure don't look good.

You can't deny she's reached the bottom...her fingernail read F*#K U. I realize we have the right to express ourselves, but you don't do that in a court of law. Especially if you're trying to make a good impression on the judge. You come in a suit with clean nails and a come looking like a respectable part of society. Even if, in reality, you're not. So there you have it. Good going, Judge Revel. Thanks for doing the right thing for Miss Lohan. Thanks for treating her like any other individual passing through your system. It's time celebretards learn they are just PEOPLE when it comes to the law. They are not above it and they can' t use their status to pass GO and grab that get out of jail card.

So, enjoy your stay Lilo. I hope you take this time to consider what a beautiful life you've been throwing away. I wish the best for you and I truly hope this is an opportunity to start over.
Who knows, maybe when you get out we'll actually know who LeBron James will pick! ;)

Bon Voyage...

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