I didn't blog Friday because I'm trash. Yeah...it's true. I'm fun, smart, witty, beautiful, and an all around awesome as shit girly girl. But, I can't seem to remember to blog every week. Damn it...maybe if I had more feedback from my lovely followers. If I felt more loved I might feel more obligated to grace you with my thoughts every week. ;) Probably not.
So, I worked like a turk (I've heard that my whole life from old people and never really investigated what it meant. Sorry if you're a Turk and offended...but I also really don't care) ALL week. I pulled serious overtime and even had to drag ass in after a night of drunken tambourining on Saturday morning. I hate seeing 8:00 am on Saturdays. Ugh. I guess I should be thankful. At least I have a job to go to and bitch about. Something like 9% of the country can't say that right now. Anyway, there are no excuses for not blogging like I'm supposed to but I'll go ahead and try using that. It was just a long, hard week. But like they say...work hard-play harder. So, that's just what I intend to do.
After my Saturday of tech work at the firm my wonderful Huburban and I headed to Granbury, Tx to stay the rest of the weekend with my long lost buddy from elementary school. Josh Garza and I had been the best of buds "back in the day" but as with most people from your past we lost contact after school ended. But big shout out to Facebook because we discovered each other after about 10 years of space. Little awkward at first but after about 30 minutes it was like we were 13 again and sitting on the band bus laughing our asses off at EVERYTHING. Thankfully, my Huburban (that's Josh's pet name) ended up making a great new buddy, too. It was an AMAZING night.
Suddenly the stress of life and work and bills melted away as the three of us rolled our own sushi and made a terrible mess with sticky rice, raw salmon, avacados, and imitation crab meat. lol . Did I mention beer...lots of beer. I think it's official. Once a year we'll all get together for SushiPaLooza, guitar picking, and some good brew. It's 11:oo am Sunday...I've just cleaned the sushi mess (that was worse than working on a Saturday for the Corporate Man) and we're downing our first cups of coffee. In about an our we'll jump in the pool and float the rest of the weekend away.
This is a little different blog than usual. No WTF?'s, no celebretard gossip, no movies to mention...no shows to plug. Just a snapshot of my weekend. However, as you read this I do hope you take something away from it. Hopefully as you read this you're healthy and at least somewhat happy. :) For the first time in my life I'm being faced with illness and death. I've had a good 30 year run of wearing rose colored glasses. Nothing BAD has really ever happened to me or those I love. Sure, elders have passed and been sick but they were 80...it was "their time" as they say. But now I am having to take the glasses off and examine life. There are things in life we don't expect to happen. There are things in life that suck. There are things in life that hurt. But we can't let these things kill our drive, spirit, hopefulness, and love. Things in life that seem so big and cause stress probably aren't as bad as they seem. Your boss, your bills, your flat tire, your Saturday overtime, your relationship BS....none of it really matters. What matters is that you're alive, healthy, and given a new chance at life EVERY day you wake up. Maybe this is the "lesson" I am supposed to learn....maybe you have already learned this. If you haven't then let's learn it together.
I'm going to go play now. I'm going to float in the pool with my wonderful husband who I love more than anything in this world and my rediscovered best friend. Yeah...I have to get up early and go to work..ugh. Yeah, I've got bills in the mailbox that I can't pay right now. Yeah, this week will be busy and I'll be tired. But, I'm thankful for all of it and TODAY... It's time to play. ;)
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Friday, June 11, 2010
Wild Weather and E News. WTF?
So, I harken back to my younger days when the coolest movie in the world was Ghostbusters. It is one of my favs of all time...even still. Lately I can't help but think of a line that Ernie Hudson delivers to Dan Aykroyd. They're in the Ecto 1 discussing how busy they've been lately. Winston Zeddmore (Ernie Hudson) asks Ray Stantz (Dan Aykroyd) if perhaps they're so busy because the dead are rising....a sure sign of the end of the world. Well, I can't tell you how many times I've heard the same thing these last few weeks. Not because there are ghosts in people's refrigerators, but because the world seems to be falling apart. Isreal, hurricanes, oil spills, solar flares, floods in Arkansas and Texas (recently), global warming, new diseases, and a seemingly never ending war. I gotta tell ya...if I hear ONE more person tell me we're in the last days....
I don't want to discuss religion and I definitely don't want to knock anyone's faith. So, I won't. I'll just say there is such a thing as natural science, too. The sun has had "solar storms" for millions of years. Our time on earth is but a paragraph in a book written by the universe. We're small. We're tiny. We are a blip on the radar. It's not a sign God is on his way...it's just a cycle the sun goes through. It's time to flare so let her flare. It doesn't have to be related to GOD. WTF?
So if flooded in Arkansas last night. It floods all the time all over the earth. WTF? It rains. Simple. Just rain. No reason to start building an ark.
War? People do it. We create it. War is sadly a part of the human fabric. As far as the Middle East...well, they've been fighting for centuries and will continue to fight long after we're gone.
Hurricanes and volcanoes...again, a natural occurance in our weather pattern. The air is unstable and our crust shifts. It's called meteorology. Science.
Now, again...this is not a religious discussion. I just don't see how EVERYTHING that has happened this year has to be tied somehow to God being pissed off and coming back. Frankly, if I were that pissed at us I WOULDN'T come back! lol. I'd sit on my throne with my magnificent beard and look down at all us fools and just say...WTF?
Now, if anything is going to trigger the second coming it's Hollywood. That place is the real Sodom and Gomorrah! E News this week will be wilder than any weather pattern or solar storm.
Here's a tease:
Lindsey Lohan accidentally sets off her SCRAM. HAhahaha....yeah. And I accidentally ran that stop sign downtown this morning. Honestly, Lindsey. WTF?
Shannon Price is out for Gary Coleman's entire estate. She is claiming she should get everything.
Tune in to the LSS to find out how she just might pull this off. She is truly a horrible person. Hey Shannon...WTF is up with your grill? Ewww.
Good girl January Jones has been implicated in a 3 car hit and run. Maybe she truly went MAD.
Michael Douglas is trying to make up for all of Hollywood's shortcomings. He was spotted giving a homeless man a huge wad of cash. I think he's suspect of all the crazy happenings in the world and is trying to make up for it. Way to go, Mikey. Thanks for showing me there is still humanity out there.
Be sure to tune in to the LSS this week to get the full scoop and hear what shenanigans we've been into. :)
I don't want to discuss religion and I definitely don't want to knock anyone's faith. So, I won't. I'll just say there is such a thing as natural science, too. The sun has had "solar storms" for millions of years. Our time on earth is but a paragraph in a book written by the universe. We're small. We're tiny. We are a blip on the radar. It's not a sign God is on his way...it's just a cycle the sun goes through. It's time to flare so let her flare. It doesn't have to be related to GOD. WTF?
So if flooded in Arkansas last night. It floods all the time all over the earth. WTF? It rains. Simple. Just rain. No reason to start building an ark.
War? People do it. We create it. War is sadly a part of the human fabric. As far as the Middle East...well, they've been fighting for centuries and will continue to fight long after we're gone.
Hurricanes and volcanoes...again, a natural occurance in our weather pattern. The air is unstable and our crust shifts. It's called meteorology. Science.
Now, again...this is not a religious discussion. I just don't see how EVERYTHING that has happened this year has to be tied somehow to God being pissed off and coming back. Frankly, if I were that pissed at us I WOULDN'T come back! lol. I'd sit on my throne with my magnificent beard and look down at all us fools and just say...WTF?
Now, if anything is going to trigger the second coming it's Hollywood. That place is the real Sodom and Gomorrah! E News this week will be wilder than any weather pattern or solar storm.
Here's a tease:
Lindsey Lohan accidentally sets off her SCRAM. HAhahaha....yeah. And I accidentally ran that stop sign downtown this morning. Honestly, Lindsey. WTF?
Shannon Price is out for Gary Coleman's entire estate. She is claiming she should get everything.
Tune in to the LSS to find out how she just might pull this off. She is truly a horrible person. Hey Shannon...WTF is up with your grill? Ewww.
Good girl January Jones has been implicated in a 3 car hit and run. Maybe she truly went MAD.
Michael Douglas is trying to make up for all of Hollywood's shortcomings. He was spotted giving a homeless man a huge wad of cash. I think he's suspect of all the crazy happenings in the world and is trying to make up for it. Way to go, Mikey. Thanks for showing me there is still humanity out there.
Be sure to tune in to the LSS this week to get the full scoop and hear what shenanigans we've been into. :)
Friday, June 4, 2010
WTF? I'm getting....OLD?
We've all grown up hearing our parents and elders say, "When I was your age..." to which we all glazed over and slipped into a nice warm gaze of apathy. Hopefully the story ended quickly and we could pretend we got something out of it so we could get back to our way cool young stuff we were doing before we were interrupted. But, as I get older I; and maybe you too, I have come to appreciate the stories of the past. I actually look forward to hearing what my mom was listening to at 17, what the Elton John ticket cost for her as opposed to me (I think her ticket at 15 was $4.00...mine was $88), what car or motorcycle my dad was rolling around in, and what their favorite movie was when they were "my age." I also love the hippie drug stories. But I won't say from which one. ;) Oh come on...it was the 70's after all!
I'm 29. That doesn't sound old. I know in reality it's not old. But I think it's starting. Here's how I know.
You are officially getting old when you turn on the radio and have no idea who the personalities are talking about. Yes, I think that's the indicator. And this, my friends, is how my morning started.
First, you know you're getting old when you get in your car and it's on 106.1 KISS fm and you ask yourself WHY was I listening to that and you immediately turn it to some classic rock station. What's worse, they're playing stuff you listened to in the early 90s on a CLASSIC rock station. WTF? Has my generation's buzz rock transitioned into classic rock already? At what point will Led Zeppelin be "oldies"?
After a few seconds of being wigged out that MY music is on the classic rock station and not my mother's music, I switched back to KISS because my other go to was on a break. So, let's give ole Kidd a chance. Besides, I listened to him all the time when I was .....young.
I caught them doing the Hizzywood Hizzle which is apparently what they call an entertainment report. It was during this segment that I was still trying to recover from my earlier shock of music era mixup that I further realized I'm sliding down the old rabbit hole. First there was a shout out to Demi Lovato from Kidd for her 18th birthday. I've heard that name...I know she does something. But, really...who the hell is Demi Lovato? I really don't know. Thanks to wiki I know she is an "actress, singer, songwriter" but isn't everyone in Hollywood?
Then there was the story about Justin Bieber. Yeah....um...who? I know he sings like a girl and I think he's 15 or 16 but I really can't tell you anything else about the kid and I also can't understand why he's famous. Maybe because I am too old to "get it." Maybe if I were his age I'd have his poster on my door (do kids still do that???) and the latest issue of Tiger Beat under my bed. Wait...do they still publish Tiger Beat? Oh God. See...old. WTF?
Next up was chatter about Selena Gomez. Again...wikipedia. Turns out she's an actress, singer, songwriter. Hmmm. Ok and....??? I haven't even looked up Taylor Momsen. :( Oh, and Who The (insert word) is Taylor Lautner? Why is everyone named Taylor? Apparently he starred in Twilight..which I never saw bc adults said it sucked. It seems more wiki is in my future.
All is not lost. I did recognize names such as Taylor Swift, Emma Watson, and Dakota Fanning. Ok...maybe I'm only on the cusp of old and haven't quite crossed over yet. Hope springs eter...oh wait...I lost playing the Jonas Brothers album quiz. SIGH. Well, I am starting to understand why my parent's faces were constantly scrunched in confusion. I'm sure they felt the same way about Blind Melon, New Kids on the Block, Joey Lawrence, Tiffany Amber-Thiesen, Vanilla Ice, Jonathan Taylor Thomas, Milli Vanilli, etc, etc, etc.
Well, I'm off to the store to look for Tiger Beat so I can keep up with all this nonsense. I'm told it's a very important part of entertainment news. ;) I'm also told they don't make posters anymore. Apparently, you just plaster Justin Beiber as wallpaper on your many electronic devices. God, I'm lame. And it feels OLD!
I'm 29. That doesn't sound old. I know in reality it's not old. But I think it's starting. Here's how I know.
You are officially getting old when you turn on the radio and have no idea who the personalities are talking about. Yes, I think that's the indicator. And this, my friends, is how my morning started.
First, you know you're getting old when you get in your car and it's on 106.1 KISS fm and you ask yourself WHY was I listening to that and you immediately turn it to some classic rock station. What's worse, they're playing stuff you listened to in the early 90s on a CLASSIC rock station. WTF? Has my generation's buzz rock transitioned into classic rock already? At what point will Led Zeppelin be "oldies"?
After a few seconds of being wigged out that MY music is on the classic rock station and not my mother's music, I switched back to KISS because my other go to was on a break. So, let's give ole Kidd a chance. Besides, I listened to him all the time when I was .....young.
I caught them doing the Hizzywood Hizzle which is apparently what they call an entertainment report. It was during this segment that I was still trying to recover from my earlier shock of music era mixup that I further realized I'm sliding down the old rabbit hole. First there was a shout out to Demi Lovato from Kidd for her 18th birthday. I've heard that name...I know she does something. But, really...who the hell is Demi Lovato? I really don't know. Thanks to wiki I know she is an "actress, singer, songwriter" but isn't everyone in Hollywood?
Then there was the story about Justin Bieber. Yeah....um...who? I know he sings like a girl and I think he's 15 or 16 but I really can't tell you anything else about the kid and I also can't understand why he's famous. Maybe because I am too old to "get it." Maybe if I were his age I'd have his poster on my door (do kids still do that???) and the latest issue of Tiger Beat under my bed. Wait...do they still publish Tiger Beat? Oh God. See...old. WTF?
Next up was chatter about Selena Gomez. Again...wikipedia. Turns out she's an actress, singer, songwriter. Hmmm. Ok and....??? I haven't even looked up Taylor Momsen. :( Oh, and Who The (insert word) is Taylor Lautner? Why is everyone named Taylor? Apparently he starred in Twilight..which I never saw bc adults said it sucked. It seems more wiki is in my future.
All is not lost. I did recognize names such as Taylor Swift, Emma Watson, and Dakota Fanning. Ok...maybe I'm only on the cusp of old and haven't quite crossed over yet. Hope springs eter...oh wait...I lost playing the Jonas Brothers album quiz. SIGH. Well, I am starting to understand why my parent's faces were constantly scrunched in confusion. I'm sure they felt the same way about Blind Melon, New Kids on the Block, Joey Lawrence, Tiffany Amber-Thiesen, Vanilla Ice, Jonathan Taylor Thomas, Milli Vanilli, etc, etc, etc.
Well, I'm off to the store to look for Tiger Beat so I can keep up with all this nonsense. I'm told it's a very important part of entertainment news. ;) I'm also told they don't make posters anymore. Apparently, you just plaster Justin Beiber as wallpaper on your many electronic devices. God, I'm lame. And it feels OLD!
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