Thursday, March 25, 2010

Another WTF? Week

Well, folks. It's been yet ANOTHER WTF week. Where to start?

Well, it's coming out that Sandra Bullock's bad boy love really has been a bad boy. This is unfolding like Tiger the sequel. We were all surprised that anyone would cheat on the beautiful, classy, sweet, talented (need I go on..I love this woman) Sandra Bullock. But over the past 48 hours 2 other women have stepped into the limelight claiming to have had months long affairs with chopper boy Jesse James. We're up to 3 and here's the kicker. WHITE TRASH seems to be his fetish. The first mistress we met was none other than the painted lady herself...or tattooed lady "Bombshell" McGee. We've all see the pics. No offense to those of you who have ink but DAYUM. Gross, Bombshell. Gross. WT all the way. THEN, we were introduced to Brigitte Daguerre -- a Los Angeles photographer Jesse hired 2008 to do styling work for a West Coast Choppers photo shoot. She says the two emailed and texted each other for a year, but claims they only had sex four times before she cut it off. Just like the Tiger situation she claims she has up to 165 texts for proof. Graphic texts, apparently. Now, ladies and gents feast your eyes on slut number 3.

Yeah. Cop beater, DUI champion, and home wrecker. So, you have a wife worth $85 M who happens to be stunningly beautiful, talented, and pretty wicked smart and THIS is what you want behind closed doors? I guess it goes to show you can take the boy out of trash but you can't take trash out of the boy. This is what happens when a kid with low class roots ends up with his own tv show and somehow makes it I guess. You had Sandra, Jesse James. WTF?

The next WTF moment goes to none other than Vivid Entertainment's Steven Hirsch. It seems that Nadya Suleman, otherwise known as Octomom, is behind on her mortgage payments. BIG surprise there. ;) How can she pay things like bills when she has all that plastic surgery to get??? Silly bankers. You guys at Wells Fargo should learn to prioritize better. Sheesh! Well, Mr. Hirsch got wind of Octo's predicament and graciously offered to pay her mortgage completely off for her. Sounds too good to be true. Well, it is. C'mon. You knew it wasn't that simple! In order to save her house Lady Octo must star in a Vivid production. Surprisingly, this in and of itself is NOT my WTF? moment. The WTF? belongs to all the callers I heard on our local FM talk station calling in to support this insane idea! Guys by the dozens texted or called to say HELLZ YEAH I'd watch that shit!!! WHAT???? Wait a minute. I'm not jealous or anything. I am, however, completely shocked! Not at porn. Do your thang..I don't care. But Octomom???
Have you seen her? She has a face that's been worked on so much she could pass for Jackson and I'm not sure if you have seen all her C Section scars but God Almighty! Of course, maybe you can't see them because her stomach is riddled with cottage cheese. Oh, and not to mention she's had some of those kids naturally so I find it hard to believe you really want to take a look at THAT when you think about how, um, floppy it probably is. Ok, I'm getting sick.

No decision has been made or released in the press so far. But just for even entertaining the idea and then claiming you'd love to see it...WTF? men of Dallas???

Healthcare Reforms have incited violence all over the nation. Agree or disagree you don't have to threaten members of Congress with faxes depicting the hangman's noose or voicemails calling certain individuals "pieces of shit". You also don't have to resort to throwing bricks at Democrats' homes and offices, family members, etc. A propane line was actually cut at the home of an unamed (so far) congressman's brother's home. Seriously? I understand that this is a "big f*%cking deal" (Thanks for clearing that up Vice President Biden) but STOP ACTING LIKE ANIMALS, America!!!! We are supposed to be better than this. This is how people in fringe extremist groups in places like Iraq act when they don't get their way. I'm so disappointed. Take these negative emotions and funnel them into something positive. Don't hurt, mame, damage, or defile your fellow Americans. Hey guys....WTF?

There's a tease of some moments that have made me say WTF? this week. Believe me I've got more! Come check out what we have to say about these topics and more at Press Box Grill this Saturday at 6:00 pm. Long time Dallas radio personality John Pugs will be joining us as special guest along with some good tunes provided by TJ Broscoff. Which leads me to my next WTF?

I'm actually making it. Baby steps. But I'm getting to do something I've always wanted to do! I never thought I'd be here....but I am. Could life be turning around? Hmmm...WTF? This is GREAT! ;)

Friday, March 12, 2010

My Future is So Bright...

I gotta wear shades. Timbuk 3. Hahaha...funny how a band can come and go and nobody remembers anything about them except perhaps a line from a song made famous for a wonderful 15 minutes. I use that line all the time but I had to look up WHO sang it just now. Thanks, Google. You saved my ass once again.

You know what you shouldn't forget? Well, outside of your social security number, your spouse's birthday, and the speed limit in a school zone; KINDNESS.

Earlier in the week I met an individual who, over the last 7 days, has shown me more kindness than I could even begin to imagine. This individual seemingly walked into my life and each day has changed it in some way for the positive. So here's the topic today. When this happens to you; and it will at some point in your life, how do you begin to pay them back?

Well, as this story unfolds I will elaborate more. But for the here and now just know that my life will slowly transform over the next few months and it is all due to meeting the right person at the right time. Sometimes drunk karaoke is a GOOD thing. ;) Well, maybe that's not the lesson here. lol. Maybe I should say sometimes taking risks is a good thing. Even if the risk is getting on stage and singing badly with a rock band in a bar on a crazy Friday night. I mean...the road to greatness always has to start somewhere.

So, I know this is all very cryptic. But as time progresses you'll see things unfold. Until then here is your lesson for the week. As I was speaking to this individual about all the changes and opportunities being laid at my feet I kept trying to express my gratitude. I finally asked, "How can I ever pay you back for this?"

The answer was simple.

Pay it Forward.

Friday, March 5, 2010


Sunday is a big day. Well, for a few very lucky people. It's Oscar time, baby! And all I can do is think about what it would be like to dance in their shoes for just one day. Imagine it. You wake up with intense butterflies (I would assume) and the whole day is a fuss all about YOU. There is the Oscar Nom brunch where they sip mimosas and pretend to the rest of the room they aren't daydreaming of delivering that acceptance speech later that evening.

Then, the real fuss begins. Hair, makeup, cocktails, accessories, more butterflies, calls from mom, and pesky voicemails from other nominees that read, "'You've got to watch your back. I'm gonna cut you. I'm gonna take you down," (Sandra Bullock and Meryl Streep have had quite the fun rivalry this year).

It is interesting the kind of buzz that this over the top Prom generates. Suddenly blogs pop up EVERYWHERE. People HAVE to air their personal picks to the web. Shows about Oscar fashion can be found on just about any cable network days before the big night. Mags like People, US Weekly, etc. carry stories of past hair do's and don'ts and who came with who. It's definitely it's own monster. And who can forget the hosts?

Billy Crystal, Ellen DeGeneres, David Letterman, Whoopi Goldberg, Jon Steward, Hugh Jackman, and Bob Hope have all taken us on the Oscar journey through the years. Each bringing their own brand of comedy and flare. This year we'll get to see Steve Martin team up with Alec Baldwin...two of my favorite funny men. :)

Perhaps the best part about Oscar night isn't so much who wins the gold statue but who you're with while you celebrate your favorite actor/actress/movie. This year I will be in Plano with a totally new group of friends. We'll be eating chocolate covered strawberries and sipping on the golden bubbly as we pick apart the gowns, the hair, the jokes, and yell for our favorite underdogs. QUENTIN T.!!!! Be forewarned, if I drink enough champagne I might cry when they show the annual "stars we've lost" video. :(

So, grab your kleenex, your friends, your popcorn, your bubbly, and whatever else you'll need and settle in for a great night of fashion, fun, and winners and losers. Although, come on...nobody that steps foot in the historic Kodak Theatre is a loser. ;)